Important Steps for 2013 Challenge

How It Works: Steps in Competing in the Challenge


REGISTER (Have you already done this? Skip to next step below)

  • First, Register Online by Completing the Simple Online Form. Also, be sure to answer all of the questions, especially towards the end that include what your goals, are etc. and remember at the end you will be asked to write a short survey of your journey – this will comprise 20% of your final score for the Overall Transformation.
  • Then,  Choose What Level You Would Like To Participate. Unlike other transformation challenges ours include many different aspects; the Standard Overall Transformation but also “Best Abs” as well as a performance based event that we call “Performance Plus” – which is a contest, where winner takes all and includes most push ups, sit ups, and pull ups its a lot of fun and held at a local Seattle, WA gym.


  • Take Your Before Photos. You will take your “Before” photos at the start anytime between January 1st and 15th of your 90 Day program.
    • If you can’t take the photo on the exact start and finish day, please make sure you do this within three days of this date.
    • On all your front photos, you must hold a newspaper with a readable headline to authenticate the dates of the photos.
    • Do Not Send Your Photos in Until You Finish the Challenge; once you’ve finished you will need to submit both the “before” and “after” photos in at the end of the Challenge in April.
    • Click here for Photo Tips

Sample Before Photos – Note Newspaper to date photos

  • Take Your Body Measurements. Some people measure their success by the amount of weight lost or muscle gained. Others go by their dress or pant size. Some people like to know their body fat percentage. Whatever your method of choice is, be sure to commit to it! Body measurements help you stay on track! Make a note of your starting and finishing body measurements, and monitor your progress carefully.
  •  Make Sure You Receive Your Hynes Fitness Challenge 90 Day Fitness and Nutrition Guide. Read carefully, as there are a series of simple lifestyle changes you will need to make in order for the program to be effective. Click here to Download Guide
  • Review the Hynes Fitness Challenge Rules and Regulations. Please make sure you understand the rules and regulations. If you have any questions please send us your questions and we will assist you. Click here to Download Packet
  • Clean Out Your Refrigerator and Your Cupboards. Get rid of everything that will prevent you from being successful; then…
  • Go Shopping. Since this program hinges partially on your eating habits, you’ll need to stock up with all the right foods so that you are eating well from day one!


Begin your 90 day journey to a healthier and leaner body! 

Good luck we know that you can do it and achieve AMAZING RESULTS!

Not signed up yet? What are you waiting for? Register Now!

About The Author

Kurt Hynes

After quitting my corporate job and moving to Bali, Indonesia. I now dedicate my new found time and energy to learning and sharing all things nutrition, health, fitness, and personal improvement. My true passion is helping people and with my dad Randy, we are able to truly help and change peoples lives with our HFC 90 Day Body Transformation Challenge.