Bring It On! Randy’s Update [Week 3]

Rambo's 3 Week Check In for 2014 Hynes Fitness Challenge.

Three weeks in…Are you bringing it?

Wow! Here we are 3 weeks into Hynes Fitness Challenge and I must admit this part of the Challenge is never easy but it will certainly be worth it in a few short weeks! As I sit writing this email the Grammy’s are on TV and I’m sipping on my Green Tea and a voice in my head keeps reminding me that I’m hungry and should be snacking! I seem to be winning these battles lately and not giving in … I keep telling myself that hunger is my friend, and not to give in to the temptation of late night snacking.

I have found over the years the first 3 weeks of doing anything new is the hardest, that it takes 21 days (three weeks) to start a new habit, well if you are still doing your work outs and maintaining your meal plan, congratulations! If you’re not, get off your butt and get back on track, it’s not too late.

This is the part of the journey (fitness challenge) I like to compare to an airplane pilot who is flying through thick fog with zero visibility and must depend of his instruments or auto pilot to get through to his destination. If he trusts the system, and if he stays the course he will arrive as planned!

The same is true with the Hynes Fitness Challenge. If you have set up your training program, planned you meals, and are taking the proper supplements you should start to see positive results. It’s an exciting time; just like when you notice the short days of winter start to get longer; ever so subtle however you do notice it.

I got on a scale and measured my waist yesterday. I have lost 6.5 pounds and an inch off my waist! Progress! Next weekend I will record all my measurements, and take photos to journal my progress and you should too.

I know right around the corner I will hit a plateau, and I will need to mix up my meal plan and workouts a bit. As I change the meal plans, the workouts, the cardio sessions, the body will change and adapt, and as I change the results will follow.

We are 20% into the Challenge and just getting warmed up. Please join me in bringing it so that this will be your most successful Hynes Fitness Challenge yet!

To your HFC success!

Randy Signature


About The Author

Randy Hynes

I'm passionate about fitness and health and sharing what I have learned the hard way with those that are willing to listen. Now in my late 50's I know first hand that age is not an excuse to being healthy and looking great!